
FW: Black Youth, at 14 years old, Invents Surgical Technique

Look what kids can do when they apply themselves and take personal responsibility (per the President's speech)!!!!

Black Youth Invents Surgical Technique - at 14

Tony Hansberry II isn't waiting to finish medical school to contribute to improved medical care. And he's only 14.

Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 4:26 am
By: Jackie Jones, BlackAmericaWeb.com

Tony Hansberry II isn't waiting to finish medical school to contribute to improved medical care. He has already developed a stitching technique that can be used to reduce surgical complications, as well as the chance of error among less experienced surgeons.

"I've always had a passion for medicine," he said in a recent interview. "The project I did was, basically, the comparison of novel laparoscopic instruments in doing a hysterectomy repair."

By the way, Hansberry is a 14-year-old high school freshman.

In April, the brilliant teen presented his findings at a medical conference at the University of Florida before an audience of doctors and board-certified surgeons.

Hansberry attends Darnell-Cookman, a special medical magnet school that allows him to take advanced classes in medicine. Students at the s chool master suturing in eighth grade.

"I just want to help people and be respected, knowing that I can save lives," said Hansberry, the son of a registered nurse and an African Methodist Episcopal church pastor. His goal is to become a neurosurgeon.

The idea for his procedure developed last summer during an internship at the University of Florida's Center for Simulation Education and Safety Research at Shands Hospital in Jacksonville.

Hansberry responded to a challenge to improve a procedure called the endo stitch, used in hysterectomies that could not be clamped down properly to close the tube where the patient's uterus had been. The teen devised a vertical way to apply the endo stitch and, using a medical dummy, completed the stitching in a third of the time of traditional surgery.

"It took me a day or two to come up with the concept," Hansberry said.

He was supervised by Dr. Brent Siebel, a urogynecologist, and Bruce Nappi, administrative director of the Center for Simulation Education and Safety Research. Hansberry's discovery won second place in its regional science fair in February 2009 in the medical category.

Education experts say youngsters as young as 10 can experience great achievement at an early age if their thirst for knowledge is encouraged and they are given opportunities to shadow professionals and get internships. Also, a rigorous study schedule that also builds in some recreation is key.

High school internships and oth er programs are being used by educators to boost the number of young people interested in medicine in the face of projections that there will be a doctor deficit of as many as 200,000 physicians by 2020.

"It's not hard if you have a passion for it," Hansberry said.

Angela TenBroeck, the medical lead teacher, said in many ways, Hansberry is a typical student, but, she told the Florida Times Union that he is way ahead of his classmates when it comes to surgical skills.

"I would put him up against a first-year med student," she said. "He's an outstanding young man. And I'm proud to have him representing us."

Hotep, (Ancient Egyptian/Kemetic word for 'Peace')
Darrell Davis


Icon/genius/revolutionary/risk taker/heartbreaker/ dreamchaser/advocate/transcendant/excellent/permanent-RIP MJ, FF, EM


An Intriguing Alternative to the Standard Pursuit of Higher Education

The one good thing about this recession is that it is functioning as a "reset" button of sorts, we are forced out of our respective comfort zones and into spaces of creative thinking. We have been forced rethink our approach to many things...and this is good! Last week I had the opportunity to listen to Tom Asbrook's show "On Point", during an interview with Maya Frost

She’s the author of “The New Global Student: Skip the SAT, Save Thousands on Tuition and Get a Truly International Education” and this book as well as the aforementioned radio interview really encapsulates my "susapicions about the benefits to global experiences for famlies and solidifies my desire for my children to be global citizens/ambassadors to the rest of the world. This whole conversation will hopefully signal a paradigm shift in the way we (Americans) approach life and the world as well as the way we are viewed internationally.

There are some really great resources shared by callers, I intend to check them out in a little more detail and share my finding here. Feel free to check it out for yourself and share some feedback with me!

United World Colleges - http://www.uwc.org/

Rotary Program - Youth Exchenge Program (Florida) http://www.ryeflorida.org/

University of St. Andrews (Scotland) - http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/admissions/int/summerschools/

Type of programme: Pre-college academic and cultural enrichment
Participants: Coeducational - North American students about to enter 11th, 12th grade or college
Maximum enrolment: 60


Right here, right now i am in heaven. I am sitting in my local library behind a huge pile of children's books, on my son's 3rd birthday, while he and his dad are out shopping for the much anticipated shocolit cake! The girls are in their portugese class and for another 30 min. I get to enjoy a bit of solitude...later we will go house hunting followed by cake and ice cream...i wonder what a three year old wishes for?


Goals are essential in attaining success, they are the measuring sticks against which we gauge achievement... My mantra as of late! 1 book, 30 poems, 8 lbs/ month. I will work toward these personal goals with the same ferocity and dedication as the desires i hold for my children...i owe it to my family and to myself!


Day 2 of working out...pilates...i think im paralyzed from the waist up! q: how did i let myself get so out of shape?! I weigh what i did at 40 wks pregnant!


It's on! My first workout went off without a hitch! I got up and went to the gym straightaway! I biked for 30 min and a few reps w/ weights! I am so proud of me!




I finally pulled some links together for my annual Summer Reading BONANZA J(…I haven’t decided which list(s) I’ll be using but when I do I will happily let you know…) eventually I will post on the blog…www.adrianeclarke.blogspot.com …THANKS FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT & ENTHUSIASM!

I usually combine handwriting/art in the form of journals (I love the marble composition books with space for drawing) and this year I’ll be incorporating collages and book reports (maybe video reports/book reviews) and a treasure box (stickers, art supplies, coupons).

Maybe we can do some meet ups in a convenient park or library…let me know!




I thought this template from Microsoft(R) Office Online might interest you….

"Weekly class schedule"

BOOK REPORT FORMS – FYI - This site is a Christian site, but the forms are generic


Check out this SocialMiami.com page


Your friend, Adriane, kindly forwarded this link to you:

SocialMiami.com sends free weekly e-newsletters with the latest on where to go and who to know in South Florida. Use us on a weekly basis to plan your social calendar. Visit SocialMiami now to sign up -- it's free!.


Summer is right around the corner and it seems like it was only yesterday that we were getting ready for the first day of school! We've had a great year!



Celebrate the second national Poem In Your Pocket Day on Thursday, April 30, 2009!

The idea is simple: select a poem you love during National Poetry Month then carry it with you to share with co-workers, family, and friends on April 30, 2009.

Poems from pockets will be unfolded throughout the day with events in parks, libraries, schools, workplaces, and bookstores. Create your own Poem In Your Pocket Day event using ideas below or let us know how you will celebrate Poem In Your Pocket Day by emailing npm@poets.org.




Clips from the documentary featuring The Write Side Poets (representing South Florida) can be found on the Brave New Voices website : http://www.bravenewvoices.org/

HBO hosted a premiere at Cinema Paradiso last night…

Russell Simmons presents Brave New Voices
Narrated by Queen Latifah

Airing on HBO
Beginning APRIL 5th.

Watch the entire first episode here.



I come from a long family history of artists, and though I am often pegged as the artistic type, I have often stifled the pursuit of art as a profession. (Ironically, I spend most of my work day trying to convinve other artists to do exactly the opposite (HYPOCRISY AT ITS FINEST...I know) The truth of the matter is that I have been afraid to fail, I hate when things dont come easily and fear the judgement of my creation(s). I've been slowly coming to terms with all of this...this is partially why I havent blogged in a while, I have been slowly working my way back to a place of confidence in my writing and returning to the exhilaration I feel when creating artwork...maybe I will get back there one day, maybe not...at any rate, I CAME ACROSS THE TRAILER FOR THIS DOCUMENTARY…JUST IN TIME FOR WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH and needless to say I AM INSPIRED!

Check it out by visiting their websitehttp://www.whodoesshethinksheis.net/ or on the video bar at the left of this page!



NEWSFLASH: Parents worry about all kinds of things; some of which are valid others not so valid. Our worries range from the concrete to the arcane.

My current point of cogitation - my incessant worry about the quality of my children’s education.

I worry that despite my efforts to provide them with the information, opportunity and resources necessary to succeed somehow I am falling short. While not working an minimum wage job, I'm certainly not making the kind of money that can support $13,000 - $30,000 per child in tuition. As a full time employee the time and energy available to bolster my children's education is drastically limited.

So it is this time of year that I find myself considering my options: extend myself beyond the point of financial and physical ability to put them into private school in hopes that the effect of socio-cultural/socio-economic isolation does not supercede the benefits of a high quality academic experience; engage in non-stop prayer 1)-that we will be selected in the magnet school lottery and 2)-that the program is as wonderful as it looks on paper; quit my job and homeschool the kids leaving my husband to shoulder all of the financial responsibility and go with governement subsidized health insurance.

I worry that though the resources at our assigned school are limited that they are not being sufficiently challenged at the charter school down town. Add to these concerns the fact that the state of Florida is ranked something like 48th in the US in terms of the funding of education, that our teachers (including my husband) are severly under payed and that we are ranked very low if not last in terms of achievement.

So, I wonder, what exactly should I do? Move? Homeschool? Grin and bear it? I'm frustrated and exhausted and sick of school administrators who act like my expectations are too high...you're damn right...my EXPECTATIONS ARE HIGH...I WANT MORE!!!



For months, I have vicariously enjoyed the "coolness" that is Facebook, my cubicle mate Sam has had a ball catching up with friends past, present and future -- their posts of old pictures and other reminisces...I have giggled and oohed right along with her...not considering what/who I might find, or who might find me... if I too joined "the Face" (my new nickname for it..you like?).

After hearing an idea I had for a novel, Sam (who is also my "reading/writing buddy") gave me an assignment... join Facebook. The thought was that it would give me a link to so much "historical" information relevant to this crazy book idea I have...and, I knew she was right.

After I joined and got the first Friend Acceptance Notification and the first Friend Request... and found my long lost step siblings...and got in contact with KIARA and saw all those old photos... lawd, I was hooked after that!

This addiction is a little different from my previous Myspace addiction, because I was more so addicted to the artistic elements, adding slideshows, music, videos, and backgrounds, whereas with Facebook things appear to be more straightforward. I love the constant activity and millions of possible ways to track down old friends; by day 2 or 3 I already had a solid 20 friends (52 less than a week later), and most of them were from high school or college!

I was able to see who had gotten married, who had babies, who lived where, who went back to school, who has been traveling...I am even able to KIT with my husband's fam in Barbados!

Between Skype and Facebook... I've been having a blast! Flu and all! ...Adriane is...wondering if I could set up a Facebook/Skype intravenous drip? TECHNOLOGY...GOTTA LOVE IT!



One of my New Year’s resolutions is to READ MORE.

I do a lot of reading with the children and a lot of reading for work, but I rarely have the time or mental fortitude to read simply for PLEASURE.

This desire to be consumed by a good book has been slowly rising to the surface over the last few months of 2008, I’ve tamped it down each time by reading something with Zen or flipping through a magazine, but the crescendo came while vacationing in Barbados.

With all that “FREE time”, no work, no taxiing to and fro, no demands, I actually had the OPPORTUNITY to READ (not listen to) a whole novel from cover to cover and experience the bliss that has been gurgling up for a while now. The book of choice was Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns and though I hate reading books out of sequence, I proceeded to do so with this one and was hooked in no time! The first night, I read at least 15 chapters, and another one as I woke up the next morning and each night I read despite the mosquitoes buzzing loudly over hear or the invitations to go out … I was completely ensconced, transported to Kabul, I was no longer in Barbados, I was in Kabul, I saw Kabul, smelled Kabul, tasted Kabul…I was Miriam’s neighbor, I was the fly on Laila’s bedroom wall, I was Tarik’s leg and Rasheed’s belt. Now, some will read this book and wonder why I was so enthralled with it, perhaps the book will not have the same magic to another reader, maybe it will…for me, it matters not! What does matter to me is that again a door that had slowly inched closed has been thrusted open once more and have begun to pursue this escape yet again.

I will no longer allow myself to use the excuse of no time and no energy, I will use the tools afforded my to experience this escape...for cryin out loud I work in a library and audiobooks are the perfect tool for a wandering mind…so far I’ve been able to “read” The House at Sugar Beach (Helene Cooper), The Brief and Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao (Junot Diaz), A Thousand Splendid Suns(Khaled Hosseini), and Eat, Pray, Love (Elizabeth Gilbert)next God of Small Things (Arundhati Roy), Life of Pi , Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseini)…the sky’s the limit!


FW: Because I wish you a happy new fiscal year!

Subject: Because I wish you a happy new fiscal year!

Seven Habits for a
Financially Fit New Year

Personal character is made of habits and habits come in two varieties: good and bad. The secret to learning good habits or breaking bad ones is found in conscious repetition. To create a habit, you must repeat an action over and over again until it becomes a natural response. To break a habit, you must to create a new one or choose not to do something over and over until it becomes a natural response.

Want to become more financially responsible? Consciously focus on the following practices. Repeat them over and over until they become natural responses. Before you know it, these will be your habits, too.

Habit 1. Regularly balance your accounts. Financially responsible people calculate a current balance in their checkbook or online account after every transaction. They know where they are at all times.

Habit 2. Save money consistently. Financially responsible people do not spend all the money they have and then rely on credit. They always save some and they do it first, before they pay anyone else.

Habit 3. Think first and spend later. This is the habit that keeps financially responsible people from spending money they don't have. They do not buy things impulsively. They make lists, weigh the consequences, wait for sales and above all, exercise self-control.

Habit 4. Focus on the real price. Financially responsible people see through the come-ons, marketing hype and financing options. They know how to calculate the bottom line. If they can afford the full price, fine. If not, they are not interested in monthly payments.

Habit 5. Know your financial condition. Financially responsible people know within a few bucks the current balance on their mortgage, their investment accounts and other assets. They make decisions based on how their net worth will be affected.

Habit 6. Refuse unsecured debt. Financially responsible people shun debt of all kinds, but especially unsecured debt. If they have secured, i.e. mortgage debt, they repay it rapidly.

Habit 7. Make principle-based decisions. Financially responsible people make financial decisions based on principles, not feelings. They know their feelings are fickle and can change.

Experts in human behavior say it takes 21 repetitions to break a bad habit or to establish a new habit. That means if you do something every day, after three weeks it will become a nearly automatic response, a habit. Continue for another 21 days and you will have established a life-long habit. It takes just six weeks to change your life.
It is possible to learn good habits and unlearn bad ones, even those that are deeply ingrained. It's all a matter of choice and determination!


Return of the Crazies

Return of the Crazies

I’ve only been back in the country for a few days now and already I can feel that old familiar tightening in my chest!

How I long for those lazy days of book reading and sitting on the sand staring at the sea.

I can still feel the amazing breeze and the sprinkle of the daily rain shower tickling my face as I nap (with one eye open of course, mother’s never really go on vacation).

Yesterday wasn’t so bad, but today more than made up for it. Each of us forgot something at home for Tafara it was her backpack…I forgot Tafara’s immunization forms…God knows what Zen forgot…Lion is too little to forget, etc…so I went back home to retrieve everything and used the opportunity to catch up on a few things…long story short got to work after 11AM…been flying by the seat of my pants ever since!

Came back to work yesterday in time to run a grant application workshop for which no materials had been prepped (my fault)…by last night, I was too pooped to get anything done ergo…the CRAZIES this morning!

So many people commented about how great I looked yesterday (rested and refreshed)…no such commentary today…wonder why?!



Our vacation is rapidly dissapating...there are only two days left until we are snatched from this comfortable existence and thrust back into the insanity of our daily lives.
I have had a blast...though I didnt paint the town red even at the encouragement of a variety of family friends... I have had a great time just taking it slow...
I have savored the warmth and loving vibe of Simon's friends and extended family and basked in the glow of his siblingss interaction with the children.
I have soaked up the sights, memorized the flavors of some of the best eats I've had in a while and have committed to never let such an expanse of time pass between visits ever again.
Simon says that this trip has made him more focused on the things we need to do in order to move forward...while I share that feeling of renewal, I have also become aware of the fact that I would like to travel more and make more of an effort to keep in contact with friends and family here...to keep the children connected to their Bajan roots as well as give them a broader view of the world... we have had a wonderful time and will no doubt take the memories of our visit with with us as we cross the threshold of our vacation back into our every day...


Well folks, we made it ....there's nothing like the change of the calendar year to make you feel like starting anew. We reflect on the year gone by and make mental notes of all the the things we could have done differently and hope to do differently next go around. Some people make resolutions religiously and break them with the same vigor with which they were made...others curse the concept and keep on going down the same road...I confess that I have been both overzealous and apathetic...but this year, I plan to sit down with my family and create family goals complete with attainable action steps. The goals will fall under three broad areas i.e.:health, wealth and wisdom. I then intend to post those goals so that we can chart our progress as we... progress :)... I think we better ge started while we're here and free from the hustle and bustle of our daily state side existence...nothing takes the wind out of your sail like having to go to work and tote the kids hither and yon and pay the bills and well you know where this is heading...this year I really crave the feeling of being organized. I remember what that used to feel like..I crave structure for my household and my children...all while putting an end this free fall that is my life...I crave some direction...I want to pare down on possessions, body fat and emotional baggage...I want to have a plan instead of just moving from day to day simply because... this year I want to answer the question....WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GOING WITH THIS THING? at any rate HAPPY NEW YEAR ...we'll keep you posted!