
I'm BAAACK...I hope!

Thanks to inquiries and the encouragement of quite a few friends, family members, colleagues and an awesomely inspiring artist by the name of Jackie Battenfield (author of The Artist Guide: How to Make a Living Doing What You Love...she recently visited So FL and gave an awesome workshop), I have decided to resume writing this blog!

True to form, I had somehow convinced myself, despite evidence to the contrary, that nobody was reading or cared whether I wrote another word...but I guess that wasn't at all the truth (shout out to all my friends/family)! While perhaps the whole world doesn't care about what I have to say or what my kids are doing...I experience something akin to euphoria every time I successfully complete and post an entry. I move closer to my artistic goals every time I re-engage the craft of writing; every time I accurately and artfully capture an idea and share it with whoever may care to read.

Consistent with my personality, I had gotten myself totally worked up about the nuts and bolts and forgot to focus on the enjoyment of the creative process. Case in point, I had tricked myself into believing that I needed to do more research on the topic of blogging, that I was somehow not capable of blogging without some sort of instruction and therefore had to learn more about all the tools and tricks of the trade...despite the fact that I had already been posting updates for over a year and had a whopping four followers ...(don't laugh).

In essence the disease of procrastination coupled with the often simultaneous ailment of self-doubt had infiltrated, taken over my brain and resulted in an all encompassing bout of creative paralysis! Many very creative and otherwise intelligent people fall prey to this combination of ailments and even more devastating, is the failure to recognize this brain drain for what it is and as a result remain stagnant, fail to move forward and ultimately become ZOMBIES...you're laughing, but you know what I mean!

But, I think I'm better now...at least I hope I'm better now...but I guess this is a part of this whole process (at least it is for me anyway). I mean, after all, this (blog) is about my having gotten derailed in the past (and obviously in the present) and my desire to and pursuit of getting back on track...isn't it (see my profile for clarification)?

Stick with me folks, apparently its gonna be a bumpy ride!