
Week In Review

Busy week...wrapping up a great week...Atlanta on Monday, Tuesday rehearsal, Wednesday - awards night, Thursday - graduation, Friday- no school, Saturday - dance performance! Thank God it's a long weekend!


From the Trenches

There are times when I feel totally ill-equipped for motherhood... I think we all do. Anyone who tells you that motherhood is easy is just messing with you! Nothing from conception to burial is easy for a mother... But who said things have to be easy in order for them to be rewarding or enjoyable? As a matter of fact there are times when I get a little cocky and delusional-- thinking that I've got it all figured out! HA! Those moments are fleeting and often result in another lesson from the battlefield! This week has been a doozey, one where all my worlds collide-- hectic at work and school equals hectic at home and though I ended my week at home in bed, I'm proud of having accomplished so much and risen to the expectations of so many. In the long run it is the happiness and pride on my youngest daughter's face while donning her home made international day costume concocted from bits and pieces from near and far... My son's enthusiasm about learning about Egypt for the first time even if he didn't get to dress up as a mummy...and my eldest daughter's realization that she is capable of accomplishing so much with a little planning! These are the triumphs make it all worthwhile... The sleepless nights, the self-doubt and frustration all fade to black with every hug and smile from happy progeny. Be encouraged new mother's---keep the faith old-timers... It's all worth it in the long run! Happy Mother's Day... Today and everyday.