

For months, I have vicariously enjoyed the "coolness" that is Facebook, my cubicle mate Sam has had a ball catching up with friends past, present and future -- their posts of old pictures and other reminisces...I have giggled and oohed right along with her...not considering what/who I might find, or who might find me... if I too joined "the Face" (my new nickname for it..you like?).

After hearing an idea I had for a novel, Sam (who is also my "reading/writing buddy") gave me an assignment... join Facebook. The thought was that it would give me a link to so much "historical" information relevant to this crazy book idea I have...and, I knew she was right.

After I joined and got the first Friend Acceptance Notification and the first Friend Request... and found my long lost step siblings...and got in contact with KIARA and saw all those old photos... lawd, I was hooked after that!

This addiction is a little different from my previous Myspace addiction, because I was more so addicted to the artistic elements, adding slideshows, music, videos, and backgrounds, whereas with Facebook things appear to be more straightforward. I love the constant activity and millions of possible ways to track down old friends; by day 2 or 3 I already had a solid 20 friends (52 less than a week later), and most of them were from high school or college!

I was able to see who had gotten married, who had babies, who lived where, who went back to school, who has been traveling...I am even able to KIT with my husband's fam in Barbados!

Between Skype and Facebook... I've been having a blast! Flu and all! ...Adriane is...wondering if I could set up a Facebook/Skype intravenous drip? TECHNOLOGY...GOTTA LOVE IT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great! It almost makes me want to sign up for facebook, Ha!